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Rockets߲о duo in zone at Young Stars Classic

Dillon Dube and Kole Lind both find the scoresheet for their respective NHL teams in Penticton
Emanuel Sequeira/Black Press Kelowna Rockets߲о teammates Kole Lind (left) and Dillon Dube faced each other in the Young Stars Classic in Penticton while playing with their respective NHL teams, the Canucks and Flames.

One day, Dillon Dube and Kole Lind plan to play in the National Hockey League.

The linemates each gave their respective teams a precursor of what߲оs to come at the Young Stars Classic over the weekend in Penticton.

, 19, a second-round pick of the Calgary Flames in 2016, is attending his second NHL training camp.

On Monday, the Cochrane, AB native closed out the Penticton tourney with the Flames߲о lone goal in a 4-1 loss to the Winnipeg Jets.

߲оJust play my game and feel that I can fit in,߲о Dube said of his main objective at his second Young Stars Classic. ߲оObviously, it߲оs going to be different at main camp with all the pros there, they߲оve been there for a long time and I just want to be able to be confident with them and show that I߲оm pushing for a spot in a couple of years.߲о

, 18, a second round-draft pick of the Vancouver Canucks, made an auspicious debut at his first pro camp, registering two assists and adding an empty net goal in Friday߲оs 4-2 win over Winnipeg.

߲оIt was a really cool time, had a lot of fun out here, to throw on a Canucks jersey for the first time was definitely special,߲о Lind said. ߲оI think we would have liked to have had a couple more wins, but it was a great time all around.

߲оI felt good out there, I felt fresh for the new year, not as rusty as I usually do,߲о Lind added. ߲оIt helps to have a little better players out here that can make the game a lot easier for you for always being in the right spot߲оit felt good.߲о

With the departure of key veteran high-scoring forwards Nick Merkley, Calvin Thurkauf and Reid Gardiner from last year߲оs club, both Dube and Lind will be key to the Rockets߲о success in 2017-18.

Rockets߲о assistant coach Kris Mallette said the two second-round NHL picks will be front and centre for the WHL club this season.

߲оDillon and Kole had prominent roles in our top six last year and we expect both to come back and show us an added level of play and lead by example,߲о said Mallette. ߲оThey߲оre not our only guys but are definitely in a group of players we߲оre going to lean on in all situations, kind of our go-to guys.

߲оHopefully they won߲оt take too much added pressure on themselves, and if they do that and just play their games, they߲оll be fine.߲о

As for Dube߲оs second appearance at an NHL camp and Lind߲оs first, Mallette said the experience can only be a benefit to both the players and the Rockets.

߲оI think it߲оs a confidence booster for them,߲о Mallette said. ߲оThese guys are trying to make that next step and it gives them confidence knowing they߲оre able to have success at that level.

߲оThey know coming back (to the Rockets) and working hard will help them meet the expectations that come from the pro level. The message is the same from us as it is from their NHL teams. We߲оre on the same page, we want them to continually improve so the day will come they can move on and play pro.߲о

Dube and Lind are among 10 Rockets currently at NHL training camps.

The Rockets will open the WHL regular season Friday, Sept. 22 at home to the Kamloops Blazers.




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