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Judge awards Surrey petitioners costs ߲о but not special costs ߲о in signs bylaw case

߲оPrincipally,߲о Justice Kent decided, ߲оthis is not a truly ߲оexceptional߲о matter of public interest߲о
Statue of Lady Justice at Vancouver Courthouse. (File photo)

A B.C. Supreme Court judge has awarded a group of Surrey residents ordinary costs for court proceedings in their 2022 court fight against the City of Surrey over the constitutionality of its signs bylaw, but he declined to grant the petitioners߲о application for special costs.

߲оI am simply not persuaded that this dispute transcended partisan politics and personal animus or that it was not possible to pursue the litigation with private funding,߲о Justice Nigel Kent concluded.

߲оPrincipally,߲о he decided, ߲оthis is not a truly ߲оexceptional߲о matter of public interest.߲о

Kent rendered his decision in Vancouver on Oct. 20, related to Kaps v. Surrey (City). The petitioners were Annie Kaps, Debi Johnstone, Colin Pronger, Ivan Scott, Merle Scott, and Linda Ypenburg, all members of Keep the RCMP in Surrey.

The six residents in 2022 challenged the constitutionality of amendments to a City of Surrey bylaw which were approved in 2021, arguing they prohibited displaying political signs on private property.

Following the trial in Vancouver in 2022, Kent ordered the city to amend the ߲оpoorly drafted߲о amendments to the bylaw to eliminate ambiguity which he found arose from the definition of a political sign extending past city, provincial or federal elections ߲оto also include political ߲оissues߲о generally,߲о with the result of capturing signage related to such things as ߲оKeep the RCMP in Surrey߲о, ߲оSave the Whales߲о, ߲оStop Logging Old Growth Forests߲о, ߲оGet Vaccinated߲о and the like.

During the trial lawyer Kevin Smith, representing the plaintiffs, argued that the bylaw as amended on Oct. 18, 2021 presented an unconstitutional infringement on the petitioners߲о freedom of expression under Canada߲оs Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Smith argued that the mayor at the time ߲о Doug McCallum ߲о and his supporters aimed to ߲оsilence the opposition of the petitioners.߲о

Matthew Voell, the lawyer representing the City of Surrey, argued during the 2022 trial that the contentious bylaw amendments were driven by city staff recommendations, and ߲оnot driven by animus, by council, by the mayor.߲о

߲оThere was no improper purpose there,߲о Voell argued. ߲оThe petition should be dismissed. The petitioners appear to want change in the city ߲о they can effect change at the ballot box.߲о

At trial, the petitioners sought a declaration from Kent that the amendments were inconsistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and that they be declared of no legal force or effect or be quashed altogether.

߲оI deny the substantive relief that the petitioners seek,߲о Kent declared at the end of that trial. ߲оHowever, I agree that the amendments were poorly drafted and that clarity of ambiguity is required. Accordingly, I grant interim relief and direct Surrey city council to further amend the Surrey Sign Bylaw to clarify its intended effect and to eliminate the said ambiguity.߲о

Kent noted in his subsequent related to awarding costs that the Supreme Court of Canada decided special costs should be awarded in the context of public interest only when certain conditions are met.

߲оFirst, the case must involve matters of public interest that are truly exceptional. It is not enough that the issues raised have not previously been resolved or that they transcend the individual interests of the successful litigant: they must also have a significant and widespread societal impact,߲о the judge noted.

߲оSecond, in addition to showing that they have no personal, proprietary or pecuniary interest in the litigation that would justify the proceedings on economic grounds, the plaintiffs must show that it would not have been possible to effectively pursue the litigation in question with private funding. In those rare cases, it will be contrary to the interests of justice to ask the individual litigants (or, more likely, pro bono counsel) to bear the majority of the financial burden associated with pursuing the claim,߲о he added.

Kent said he found no basis in which the City of Surrey߲оs conduct could be said to have engaged a public interest߲оmuch less an ߲оexceptional߲о public interest ߲о that had ߲оa ߲оsignificant and widespread societal impact߲о outside of this local political context.߲о

Kent accepted the city߲оs ߲оbenign intent of the bylaw amendments߲о and found the petitioners߲о claims of ߲оbad faith or an improper purpose߲о hadn߲оt been proven in this ߲оrather unusual߲о case.

While the city ߲оwas clearly not the successful party in this proceeding,߲о the judge noted, the petitioners had ߲оappropriately sought judicial review of the Surrey Sign By-law amendments in the circumstances and obtained a remedy, albeit one that neither party anticipated߲о and were ߲оthus the substantially successful litigants and are entitled to costs of the proceeding.߲о

About the Author: Tom Zytaruk

I write unvarnished opinion columns and unbiased news reports for the Surrey Now-Leader.
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